Elevate Your Health & Spirit with the Next Level Skincare!

Elevate Your Health & Spirit with the Next Level Skincare!

Right now, there isn’t much we can control. But we can take a few moments every day to establish a time to love and care for ourselves, and it begins with your skin. I truly believe that treating your skin with your favorite products can have major positive effects on your emotional well-being – and give you glowing, radiant skin to boot.

I know what you’re thinking. Right now it’s challenging to commit to an all-new routine, even if it’s good for you. But I promise you, if you start now and stick with it, you’ll look and feel so much better. Psychological health, well-being, and self-care are deeply intertwined. Now is the time to develop a pandemic skin care self-care plan! Here are 4 powerful reasons why you should get started today:

A Skin Care Routine Gives You Stability

If you’re like most people right now, you’ve transitioned from being constantly on the go to living life at home, which means you’ve lost any sense of a routine. I get it – it’s so tempting to say SCREW IT, demolish a bag of chips, and watch Netflix till 2 in the morning. It might feel freeing at first, but your psyche will quickly begin taking a toll. Maintaining a routine that includes eating healthy foods, walking, getting plenty of sleep, and taking care of your skin will give your life a predictable structure that you can rely on.

Studies show over and over again – people who don’t have a consistent routine are more likely to suffer from depression and mood disorders and experience less happiness and contentment. Sticking to a healthy regimen – especially one that includes simple and thoughtful skin care – can serve as an anchor and give you a sense of accomplishment. It will make you feel and look fabulous. You will gain a sense of control!

Nourishing Your Skin Regularly Elevates Your Mood

Regularly indulging in a skin care routine that makes you feel good inside and out is one simple way to improve your mood. Gently massage your face with good-for-you products, and you will instantly get a mood boost! Fresh eucalyptus scents calm and uplift your psyche.

Amp up the experience and make an event out of it. Light a candle, play your favorite music, and slowly begin applying your skin care products with intention. Relax in this uplifting meditation, take deep breaths, and smile!

It Can Help You Get out of a Spiral

Anxious spirals are easy to slip into but hard to get out of. When this happens, it’s best to do something grounding – something simple that will give you joy and make a positive difference – to get out of your head. The next time you find yourself fretting, pull your hair back, take a deep breath, and cleanse your skin (and spirit). This small act can also help you become more mindful and grateful for your present health, which decreases anxiety and depression.

Relish just how good it feels to put my soothing anti-oxidant vitamin serum on your skin. Stop negative thoughts and take action by spritzing your skin with my Hyaluronic Hydration Myst, which offers your skin extra protection from blue light and UV rays (and then some!). Let the eucalyptus, peppermint, and spearmint spa-like scent unhook yourself from your worries and feel confident once more!

Caring for Your Skin Sends a Powerful Message

Even spending a few extra minutes taking care of your skin each day quietly yet powerfully sends a strong message to your mind: “I love myself, and I’m worth it.” Practicing your daily skin care ritual does wonders in empowering you to face the day ahead and a restful, replenishing sleep at night. After all, there’s nothing like that little natural high you experience when you apply your favorite moisturizer!

Remember, you are worthy of your time and love. You deserve to feel empowered and comfortable in your own skin. And you deserve to nourish your skin with clean products and pure ingredients without hype and toxic fillers. My products are meant for all skin-kind and are dense with impactful, skin-changing actives that your skin needs – nothing more, nothing less – to give you enhanced results. Try it for yourself and wait till you see how it does!

Not sure where to start? Get your personalized product recommendation, and I will recommend the right products for your unique skin!