tame oily skin

7 Ways to Tame Your Oily Skin and Look Fabulous!

It’s one thing to have lustrous, radiant skin that shines like diamonds. It’s another thing to have slick, greasy oil weighing you down and covering every square inch of your T-zone. Follow these tips to help you tame your oily skin.

It’s one thing to have lustrous, radiant skin that shines like diamonds. It’s another thing to have slick, greasy oil weighing you down and covering every square inch of your T-zone.

While your skin wants to live at a certain degree of oiliness, your sebaceous glands – microscopic organs in your skin responsible for secreting oil – may need to be calmed down if you’re experiencing oily, blemish-prone, or acne-prone skin.

Sound like you? Guess what - you have the power to take control and tame your oiliness! Allow your skin to thrive the way it was made and have an evocative, gorgeous complexion! Follow these tips to start receiving regular skin compliments:

Choose Your Makeup Wisely

Your skin is already over-producing some of the Natural Moisturizing Factors (NMF) that keep the skin barrier intact. Don’t add another layer of oiliness to it! Be mindful when selecting your makeup and avoid heavy, pore-clogging foundations. I suggest using an oil-free, powder-based product. Never forget to remove your makeup before you go to sleep so your skin can breathe, no matter how tired you are!

Exfoliate Once a Week

Exfoliating your skin weekly helps keep your skin looking young and fresh and can also help prevent breakouts. Don’t think you need to punish your skin with sandpaper-like scrubbing products to get the job done! Choose a gentle product like my Exfoliating Anti-Toxin Cleanse to get rid of dead skin cells. This specific cleanse is appropriate for all skin types and will delicately and effectively remove pollutants, toxins, and protein debris from your pores without irritating the skin.

Don’t Skip Sunscreen

Are you hesitating to put sunscreen on your face because you think you’ll make your oiliness worse? Think again! Harmful UV-A and UV-B light pulls water away from your skin, increasing the size of your sebaceous glands and stimulating oil production. Use a healthy dose – we’re talking about a teaspoon – of SPF 30+ on your face to prevent sun damage and help calm and control your skin’s oil production.

Treat Your Skin with Care

You might be tempted to scrub away the oil, but please don’t! You’ll only cause your skin to produce more oil in response. Your skin needs to be treated like royalty. Patting it dry – not rubbing or scrubbing it – will suppress its natural tendency to overproduce oil.

Practice Self-Care

In stressful times like these, it’s easy to start feeling anxious and overwhelmed. You know full well the harmful effects that stress has on the body and the mind, but did you know it affects your skin, too? In order for your skin care system to yield results, you must make a commitment to yourself and your overall health. Taking a few minutes to sit and breathe, cozying up with a good book, spending time away from technology, and eating fresh, healthy food is crucial for your skin’s health.

Stay Hydrated

THIS JUST IN: ALL skin types need hydration. Those of you with oily skin may be thinking that you shouldn’t use a moisturizer, but that is far from the truth! Every skin type needs hydration, particularly those with oily, blemish-prone skin. The secret is using the appropriate level of hydration for your skin’s unique needs.

Choose one of my four types of essential hydration to meet your needs when you need it – no more, no less. Apply it every AM/PM on a clean face. Want to rock your results? Use it with my Anti-Oxidant Vitamin Serum!

Find the Right Cleanser

Oily skin likes to play by its own set of rules. Use a cleanser that is specifically suited for oily skin! My range of facial cleansers will recreate your skin’s inherent desired hydration and balanced oil level by creating calmer, smoother skin with tighter pores. While I normally recommend using a cleanser only in the PM, those with oily skin will benefit with cleansing both in the AM and PM.

It can be really difficult to know which products your skin needs, especially when you have so many people sharing different advice on what works and which products you need. Everyone’s skin is unique – what works for me might not work for you. That is why I offer free personalized product recommendations to help you find exactly what you need! All you need to do is message me and I will get back to you with a recommendation that will make you look like a rock star!

Let me help you steal the spotlight and be distracting – in a good way!